Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Super Bowl

I'm really not a very big football fan, but there is one game of the year that I tend to watch, just like everyone else. The Super Bowl. This year, even though my household's team was playing, I still only watched for one reason: the Ads. I have to say, this year, I was a little disappointed. While there were plenty of ads that I liked, there weren't any that REALLY stood out to me. I remember how ads used to be so much more high-tech, funnier, in general, better. I was really looking forward to seeing the Iron Man 3 sneak peek, and really, that was the biggest disappointment. Earlier today, when I was planning this blog, I was ready to say all sorts of things praising the ads that cost so much, they HAD to deliver on the entertainment. Now, I think I will just post the videos of the ones I liked best, in order that they aired.

M&M "Anything For Love" - I thought this was pretty good, but not necessarily "game day" good.
Hyundai "Team" - I actually saw this a few days ago, but I will still count it since it aired during the game.
Doritos "Goat 4 Sale" - Actually, I really did like this commercial. And it was picked by a public vote, so that makes it pretty special.
Oz The Great and Powerful - I apologize if this particular video has an ad before it shows you the ad. It doesn't make sense to me, either. I am really looking forward to this movie, so even though the ad wasn't that special, I am still including it.
Fast & Furious 6 - Yes, I know it is the movie franchise that won't die (just like some of the characters, apparently), but I will still stand by it. It is well known in my circle of people that I will probably watch ANYthing, if it has Paul Walker in it.
Doritos "Princess" - I am a fan of anything that has "manly" men dressed up in princess outfits.
Star Trek Into Darkness - This is actually the first time I've seen a trailer for this movie, which I am also pretty stoked about. Looks like this summer is going to be busy for me in the terms of going to the movies. (Again, sorry about the ad.)
Got Milk? - You know what? I really liked this one, too. That makes two Super Bowl worthy commercials so far.
Taco Bell "Viva Young" - See my comment for M&M's.
Kia "Hotbots" - Another pretty good one, I think I will make that three game-worthy commercials.
Wonderful Pistachio "PSY" - I would count this as four, except, it really didn't surprise me. PSY had to make an appearance SOMEwhere. I was amused by it, though.
Budweiser "Brotherhood" - This I will make number four, because it isn't a Super Bowl without a Budweiser commercial, and this one was really well done. It may not be as catchy as the frogs of the 90's, but I still think it deserved a spot on my top picks.
Tide "No Stain is Sacred" - I actually was annoyed with this commercial at the beginning, but the end of it was really amusing.
Mayhem "Flag" - Again, not a new commercial, but, boy do I love that Mayhem!

So, in conclusion, if I had to pick a top 5 commercials, I think they would be "Goat 4 Sale", Got Milk?, "Hotbots", "Brotherhood", and a tie between "Viva Young" and "I Would Do Anything for Love."

I hope some of you enjoyed the game and the ads more than I did!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods

It may not seem like much, but let me tell you, being able to say "I am demolishing pounds" no matter how many or few, feels pretty damn good. I'm not sure how to add this as a gadget, so I may need to occasionally make a new post just to keep my ticker visible. You know, if I start blogging so often that it disappears...

Anyway, to those of you who read this and are also trying to be healthy/lose weight/be more active/etc, remember this little gem: The voice that says you can't do it is a lying slut!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Short Little Blurb

As you should know, I love movies. Without movies, my life....well, I really don't want to think about what my life would be like. Let's just say I once "watched" an entire movie in my head to distract myself from the fact I was actually in an MRI machine. Not a sandy beach, not a rain forest, nope, I chose to imagine Rent. So, since this blog has had very little mention of movies on it, aside from the list to the left, I think it is time for me to talk about movies I have seen or plan to see this summer. We'll call summer....May through September (for now). I'll tell you what I thought of the movie without giving too much away, but I don't think I'll grade the movies, since that takes more effort than I am willing to put forth at this time. But I will comment on whether I have seen it multiple times, or if I'd be willing to see it multiple times.

What I've seen:
 The Avengers
Times seen: 2
Well worth the wait and the amount of hype preceding it was, for once in this business, appropriate. I would recommend rewatching the movies leading up to it (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America), though it is not that necessary if you have seen them once. Having seen them all with my comic-geek friends, I honestly don't know how enjoyable this movie would be if you hadn't seen the prequels, so I cannot comment on that aspect. I have seen it twice, and would be willing to pay to see it more times.

Hunger Games
Times seen: 1.5
Ok, while I did not first see this in the month of May, I did rewatch most of it during the time I saw The Avengers for the second time (I was at the drive in, and it was on the next screen over, easily seen from my spot for The Avengers). It is a pretty good adaptation of the book (which I did read first), and what changes that were made, I can respect. One thing I did appreciate is that, unlike the book, which is all told from the point of view of Katniss, the movie shows what's going on around her as well. Some of the content dips its toes into the second book, but the scenes make more sense to be included in the first movie.  I would most likely be willing to pay to see this again, but it would really depend on my mood, since the movie  makes me a little emotional.

What I plan to see, and when it opens:
Dark Shadows (May 11)
Safe (May ?)
Snow White and the Huntsman (June 1)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (June 22)
Brave (June 22)
The Amazing Spider-Man (July 3)
The Dark Knight Rises (July 20)

Huh, I thought that list would be longer.  Oh well, I still will have more than enough to see, I think. Before I forget, here is where I got the info for the opening dates. It's a pretty nifty site.

Anyway, unless something more blog-worthy pops up, the next few blogs will likely be about one of the movies listed above.

I hope you enjoy your summer movies, everyone!